Book Keeping

Book Keeping
Book keeping estimates the accurate value of your business till date. The procedure to maintain book keeping is simple, and it becomes helpful at the time of calculating taxable amount. The five step process makes the account handling easy for you. Central Coastal Business Solution offers five step processes to keep your accounts book up-to-date.

Preparation of Source Documents

Maintaining ledger book entry of every single invoice or bill receipt you give or receive. We use traditional ledger book to pen each entry of your business.


Analysis Financial Effects

Each money transaction affects the business. Thus, our accountants ensure to make entry of each bill & expense made from the operating account of the business.


Maintain Journal Entries

Journal entry records the event of transactions made in the starting order. The entry in this register is classified under various topics

Preparation of End Reports

This report contains the detailed summary of income, expenditure, profit & loss along with the status of assets & liabilities owned by the company at the time of paying tax. The report can be made quarterly, half-monthly & yearly as well.


Closure of the Books

The books are changed every year with the start of new financial year. All the companies maintain the yearly summary at the end of a financial year. Financial year in Australia starts from 01st July every year to 30th June next year.

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Weekend Gateaway Central Coast
Central Coast Council
Wyrrabalong National Park